Wednesday, March 27, 2013

the most powerful scream is in your silent.

silence means everything to me..........


i can being in silent when i'm extremely happy, frustrated, exhausted, tired, feeling unlucky, bad, too much thinking, upset, don't have anything to talk to or to talk with... being silent is just about to hide all my unspoken feelings. some may called me bitch who show off feelings so its better to keep it away and just only let me, myself & i going thru this glimpse n everything..alone. 
this silent will remain to be untold's just cool like that. so no one else think that i'm craving for sympathize or their attention. gonna always be strange, weird & secretive. no one will hate me, and may be no one will look down to me. if not, when i reveal everything.. i might get theirs' sympathize, look pathetic enough yet for sure i'll put myself lower than them. yknow, people w their own assumptions, shallow minded ppl are everywhere. so i want to keep myself look good, acts like everything is going well as my expectations.. i just need to close my mouth. it means... keep calm & stay silent! #YOLO