Friday, May 10, 2013

special post for special one, fyn

quote of the day:
anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness,
has never danced in the rain.

i thought, the meaning is like the ones who think the happiness they're having now
is the real happiness,
they never been thru or they hardly face w problems n challenges in life
so basically, this post is written for my friend, Afrina or i called her as fynn.
Fyn, aku tulis post ni special untuk kau. Bahasa Malaysia ni. Hehehehe

Semalam (Jumaat) lepas balik sekolah n menghabiskan mathe(mati)cs tu
aku pun have fun sebab dah stress sangat. Kononnyaa...
So, aku pun teman Ayu pergi PKNS.
Makan bubur mcD n minum Coolblog.
Ayu ada beli niqab so time balik pun test test pakai...
So here we go........


So itu je yang ktorang snap.
Aku pernah terniat satu hari nak pakai tudung labuh n niqab semua ni..
Pakai pakaian yg betul betul ikut syariat.
Tapi aku kena jaga akhlak aku dulu..
Suatu saat nanti, insyaAllah aku akan cuba jadi wanita sebegini.
Doakan aku! 
So, tu je. Next week boleh tuntut hadiah ye? :)