Friday, June 7, 2013

w loved ones #holiday #hangout

2 weeks of holiday just past away as the time flies so fast
sitting here, doing nothing but keep on wasting time :(
why am i being too lazy?!!
i didn't study anything for the time being
 & there are so many hmws that i didn't even finish it yeay
wanna share about what did i do during this school break 
so yeaaaaaaaaah
the first outing was with my junior, nabiha or i called her as beha.
she's friendly uknow, hehe
actually i didn't expect much from her 
but to have fun
since we never talk before 
fyi that was the first time we talked that much
hehe she's nice xx


the next day...
when i talk about GIRLS, oyeah let's focus on djm.
since they decided to just hang out @sacc
so i just agreed and join them.
siap ada sesi luahan hati lol whut kbye
it's okay, me & sarah are fine :)
 the best thing was when some of us at tasik shah alam
hehe totally miss the moments!!!
from right:
me, hajar, zulaikha, asya, hidayah, fatin, ayuni, sarah & diana.
*unfortunately amal & mia aren't in that picture*

mia & iyka x
me w oldest younger sista ok ayat keling boleh balik hehee.
my form one twinny, hidayah
w cute lil girl, fatin

had lots of fun, thanks loves!!
the next weeeek, Wednesday!
SNF's day :)
SNF stands for Syafiqah Nashrah & Farhana.
They're my qtpie hehe kbye
we went to Sunway Pyramid
actually nash & i planned to watch KIL or maybe Epic...
but since we went to the cinema & saw a total long que
we just like omg let's not watch movie.
*dasar malas nak beratur*
it's kinda awkward cs it's the first time i went to sp
and didn't watch movie at all
& it's weird too we were doing fine or best w/o movie
we bought friendship vintage bracelet cost  rm10 each
urgh i miss how we used to talk, laugh & being crazy
i wished they knew how much i love them tsk
*ops, before that i saw acad ftf for the first time, he's my cute friend lolbye*
so here we goooo
vintage bracelet
may our friendship last forever, till Jannah :)
see, mine is the smallest & cutest!
how innocent are we. eww. haha.

p/s: i love djm & snf forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!