Friday, August 9, 2013

childhood & dreams.

i miss the old days where i'm just livin the problem free life. 
where i dont have to think much
where i just spent the day doing nothing
where i talk less or much no one will mad and put their resentment to me
where i can just spent the whole day laying on my comfort bed
and no one will ever blame me fr what i did
yet they just fun treating me
where mom and dad always trust in me
where i can do anything i want
and get everything i requested for


they look the outer beauty bfr they want to get knw u well
i wished to live in 
to live in harmony, united and so peaceful
not overacted to appearance
having respectful neighbors
and no busy body like makcik makcik kat drama melayu that kind of things
  just bunch of caring people around. 
how cool that "fantasy" can be?
forgot one thing,
i'm just me.. a wishful thinker. 

p/s: i'm just an ordinary girl who needs love from Allah, ma abah, sisters & bros, friends.