Saturday, September 14, 2013

turned out to be one of those happy girl

guessed i should be so grateful cs what im waiting for became reality
and even better than what i thought it would be
found the ones who truly love me for who i am
no matter how bad and mean i can be sometimes
they are with me, still..supporting me
they are by my side
though i've once told im not smart and rich enough, 
one told me i can be both if im study. 
accept me, how incredibly insane i can be and 
not get intimidated to the more attractive ones (which i told myself to keep smiling bcs of this reason)
they talk like they really know how im feeling at the worse times
one hold me tight and said she's there for me when i cried out so bad 
realizing those reasons, i kept myself in positivity (gosh i guess there's no such word positivity)
thanks for cherish and still have faith in me gals and you