Sunday, October 27, 2013


this important gadget 
are driving me insane if im losing it
i just felt like losing myself too
the reason is
thru phone always the way to connect w people around
especially you

basically i spent everyday 
hold up my phone
waiting and waiting if you'd appear again in my life
texting whatsapp line calling instead of bumped into you at the school
i just love having a walk thru your class
knew it's kind of silly thing but 
sometimes i'm just walking around and sneak a peek
looked thru the window to see how you're doing

i cant precisely write down everything yet i'm glad the feeling of excitement having your name appeared again again and again on my phone

knowing i am still & always in your mind
at least that's the main thing brought you up to keep in touch w me

receiving and giving texts
getting calls
listening to your voice

you're in my world now
and hoped i'm just not overly attached hahahaha
eventually did it yea goddamn
i love him
so bye