Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ego // maturity

Ego & maturity?
Yes, i'd like to talk abt the difference btween these two things
Sometimes we knew we did wrong things 
((life seems to be unfair to us 
yet we have to stay strong))
then someone else gave advices or even guide us.
at the moment,
we have to accept & appreciate those kind of helps
instead of saying that we did our best & being too arrogant
thought we're good enough when we never did the best of behavior, attitude
literally it's all abt ego
we have to put ourselves later due to maturity
possesses a good attitude first.
Sometimes maturity is about how far your consideration to the other goes by.
Yes, gave priority to ourselves when it is needed,  when it's necessary
don't be selfish!!
Thats all.
Being yourself who respects the older bcs 
you're just too young & naive.
FIN <333
