Friday, July 19, 2013

you only live once

thru boredom...
what i used to be like when there's nothing to do left & it's exactly the best thing to do when teacher weren't there in class to give lessons so yeaaaaaaaa, lets turn on the party crazie mazie chicks muahaha.. ((this might be the most annoying post i'd post in here)) 
ph taken by me, credits to nisha fr allowed us to used her ipad.
starring me, sarah, puteri, aishah & qasrina
at first, i thought i just wanna take a ph of me or maybe ph of sarah & i to give nisha
suddenly it turned like the others (qasrina w aishah) wanted to snap together w me
& these are the resultsssssssssssss... 

had such a great time w le crazy classmates, love anastary family forever.